Spatial Decision Support for Fire Management

In an effort to better understand the vulnerabilities and effects of wildfires and changing fire patterns in Southern California, IEMM is closely collaborating with the Climate Science Alliance and its Tribal Working Group to establish a structured decision-making process.

This project incorporates geospatial data, socioeconomic considerations, and the cultural values of regional Tribal communities. Its goal is to shape adaptation strategies and responses to wildfires and the changing dynamics of fire driven by climate change.

Through data integration, we're strengthening and expanding existing research efforts relevant to the region. This will establish a structured decision-making process, aiding in the development of adaptation strategies and responses to wildfires and the impacts of climate change on regional fire dynamics.

The data and tools derived from this project, which are made possible through funding from a 2022 Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences award from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), will support communities accross Southern California.

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Spatial Decision Support for Fire Management


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